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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Super Veggies

Vegetables act as anti - oxidants . However , vegetables that have Oxygen Radical Capacity or ORAC Absorbence higher , making the body absorb more antioxidants .

A number of super vegetable that has a high ORAC . In addition to need to be more diligent in taking them , how to enjoy vegetables is also important to note that the properties are not lost .

* Asparagus .
According to the National Cancer Institute in the United States , the asparagus is the plant most contain glutathione which is an anti- oxidant enzyme forming . You can be sure the asparagus potent against cancer cells .

Asparagus is also a low -calorie . Per 150 grams of asparagus there are only 20 calories . Not only that , asparagus is also beneficial for the digestive tract . Within these vegetables are a form of carbohydrate called inulin . The digestive system does not process the inulin , inulin into food so that the good bacteria in the gut . By doing so , the good bacteria multiply rapidly . The impact of the immune system is getting stronger .

Asparagus can be consumed in various ways , steamed , boiled , grilled , and even eaten raw . But make sure the bud is not damaged in this section there are a lot of folic acid which prevents from cardiovascular disorders .

* Spinach .
Spinach contains lutein high . Lutein is an anti - oxidant that gives color or pigment in the macula of the eye. Without lutein , eye can not capture the color of light reflected from the object being viewed .

Research shows , people who often eat spinach will have fewer eye disorders such as macular degeneration and cataracts . Lutein protects the retina of the eye from sun exposure and free radicals that can damage the eye .

In order for the benefits of antioxidants in spinach optimal functioning of the body , you should create or vegetable stir clear . For sauteing spinach , use olive oil .

* Garlic .
Sulfur content in garlic tends to make distinctive pungent aroma . The aroma has a function against the disease . Substance sulfur in garlic can control blood pressure and free radicals in the blood vessels which can cause blood clots . Even the anti - oxidants in the garlic can also dispel various fungi of the body .

The best way to enjoy all the benefits of garlic adaha by baking . Thus , the anti - oxidant properties in garlic also not disappear due to incorrect processing .

* Tomato .
Tomatoes contain a lot of anti - oxidants . No wonder the tomatoes can reduce the risk of many health problems such as eye irritation , lung , colon , breast , prostate up . The antioxidant properties of the most commonly found in tomatoes is lycopene , beta-carotene is the carotenoid family and duty to protect the eyes . In tomato there are also glutathione which helps form the best immune defense system .

Especially for tomatoes , the ideal way to enjoy it is to fry . The benefits of lycopene in tomatoes would be optimal if the vegetables are heated using oil . Why ? Because lycopene is fat soluble so by adding the oil in its processing will facilitate absorption . Even so the selection should be right oil , including olive oil or rice bran in order to stay safe cholesterol levels .

* Carrots .
Carrots are rich in carotenoids that can protect eye cells from free radicals . These vegetables can also protect the throat , lungs , heart , breast , and colon cancer cells .

How to cultivate carrots also determine the quality of anti - oxidants in it . Instead of eating raw carrots , carrots should be boiled before enjoyed . Research shows , boiled carrots have a high content of anti - oxidants than raw . Carrots heating process actually activates a chain of anti - oxidants .

* Leeks .
Chives have many properties with sulfur in it , in addition to flavonoids which are substances in plants green dye .

This strong flavored vegetables are also rich in vitamin C. In 1.8 ounces leeks contained 2.18 mg of vitamin C. According to the National Institutes of Health , United States , the number is in compliance with 3.63 percent of vitamin C a day .

The content of anti - oxidants in green onion not only donated but also of vitamin C and vitamin B complex vitamin A. Regularly consume green onion may protect against vascular disorders and keep blood sugar stable.

How to cultivate leeks , like other allium vegetables contain , is immediately put into masakah five minutes after a small cut . The goal is that all the active ingredients in the leeks are not wasted due to oxidized . Choose solid green leek and white stems .

* Bok choy .
Bok choy is a cabbage group with vitamins A , C , and calcium are very high . In bok choy also found indole and thiol forming an anti- oxidant enzyme . Both bok choy with sulfur in protecting the body from breast cancer , colon cancer , and ovarian cancer . Indole and bok choy thiol in helping the body in the metabolism of estrogen .

So that the benefits are not lost bok choy , bok choy do not cook too ripe because it can destroy the indole and thiol . Simply cook until half cooked with low heat so that the anti - oxidants and vitamins in the bok choy is maintained.

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