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Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 The Movie

The archetypal battle between good and evil continues on Good Friday when Spider-Man goes head to head with two of his greatest foes in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

A new two minute trailer for the forthcoming film, which gives Andrew Garfield his second outing as the character, gives fans a brief taste of what to expect when the film goes on general release – including a look at the new and improved Green Goblin in action.

It also highlights the friendship shared by unassuming Peter Parker and Harry Osborn – the former boarding school pal who eventually assumes the identity of his arch enemy.

Osborn, played by Dane DeHaan, returns a decade after their last meeting to inform his old friend that OsCorp – the military research and experimental science corporation created by his wealthy businessman father Norman – has him under surveillance.

‘I once told you that secrets have a cost… well the truth does too,’ Aunt May Parker, played by Sally Field, tells a confused Peter after he admits that ‘nothing is what it seems.’

As Spider-Man, Parker faces two of his toughest foes in The Green Goblin and Magneto, played by Jamie Foxx, and the three engage in a series of CGI enhanced mid-air clashes across a rubble strewn downtown New York.

A welcome return: Andrew Garfield returns as Peter Parker in the new film from the reinvigorated franchise

The new trailer promises plenty of action as the enduringly popular character faces off in an explosive second installment in the reinvigorated franchise.

‘You wanted to be the hero, now you gotta pay the price,’ growls Magneto as Spider-Man is thrown like a rag doll around Times Square by Rhino - played by Paul Giamatti.

The film gives DeHaan another chance to play a sociopathic character who systematically abuses his superhuman powers after playing Andrew in 2012 science fiction drama Chronicle.

It also sees character Giamatti tread unfamiliar ground as an arch-nemesis – albeit one who comic writer Mike Conroy once referred to as ‘one of Spider-Man’s dimmest villains’ – and his slow-witted Russian alter-ego, Aleksei Sytsevich.

Other guest appearance in the film include Chris Cooper as Norman, Campbell Scott as Richard Parker and Emma Stone, Garfield’s real life girlfriend – who returns as Gwen Stacy.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is set for release in the UK on April 18 and May 2 in the United States.


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