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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Masjid-Masjid Yang Selamat Dari Tsunami Aceh 2004

Masjid Raya Baiturrahman menjadi saksi bisu musibah tsunami Aceh yang terjadi pada tahun 2004. Setelah diguncang gempa berskala 9 Richter, warga Aceh dikejutkan dengan bencana tsunami yang melumpuhkan kota Aceh dan menewaskan sekitar 230.000 warganya.

Namun di tengah bencana tersebut, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman tetap kokoh berdiri dan menjadi tempat berlindung bagi warga sekitar. Air yang masuk ke dalam perairan masjid pun seketika memiliki arus yang lebih tenang dibanding dengan air yang berada di luar masjid.

Upaya para ilmuwan ' difokuskan terutama di sekitar akhir sangat barat laut Sumatera , tetapi mereka juga mengumpulkan data 100 km ( 60 mil ) di selatan , di Kreung Sabe sekitar . Gelombang ketinggian 15 m ( 50 kaki) di situs tersebut menunjukkan bahwa gelombang tsunami mungkin telah sangat tinggi , 15 sampai 30 m , sepanjang seluruh 100 - km bentangan pantai dari Kreung Sabe ke ujung barat laut pulau.

Ilmuwan USGS berharap untuk kembali ke Sumatera pada bulan April untuk menguji hipotesis ini dengan mengukur ketinggian gelombang di antara poin sepanjang garis pantai dan untuk mengumpulkan data tambahan , seperti profil batimetri dekat pantai dan sedimen -deposit .

Model memprediksi bahwa jenis gempa yang menyebabkan Gempa dahsyat disertai Tsunami akan meningkatkan dasar laut di atas pecah kesalahan dan menyebabkan penurunan dekat pantai tersebut . Jadi , tim ini tidak terkejut menemukan bukti bahwa lahan pantai telah mereda di Sumatera . Pohon dengan akar dan batang yang lebih rendah terendam dalam air laut menunjukkan bahwa lahan pantai surut 1 sampai 2 m ( 3 sampai 6 ft ) di beberapa daerah.

Anggota tim Jepang Yuichiro Tanioka dan mahasiswa pascasarjana dari Indonesia Yudhicara resurveyed bagian dari Banda Aceh yang peta elevasi yang lebih tua yang tersedia dan menemukan bahwa tanah di sana telah mereda oleh 28-57 cm ( sekitar 1 sampai 2 ft ) .

Sejarah Masjid KOBE Jepang Yang Tidak Hancur Oleh Gempa Dan Perang

Masjid Kobe merupakan masjid pertama di Jepang. Masjid ini dibangun tahun 1928 di Nakayamate Dori, Chuo-ku. Arti dari Kobe berarti gate of God atau gerbang Tuhan..

Pada tahun 1945 Jepang terlibat perang Dunia II, penyerangan Jepang atas pelabuhan Pearl Harbour di Amerika telah membuat pemerintah Amerika memutuskan untuk menjatuhkan bom atom pertama kali dalam sebuah peperangan. Dan Jepang pun kalah. Dua kotanya, Nagasaki dan Hiroshima di bom Atom oleh Amerika. Saat itu, kota Kobe juga tidak ketinggalan menerima serangan pengeboman lewat udara walau tidak dengan sejenis bom Atom seperti Nagasaki dan Hiroshima. Bisa dibilang kota Kobe juga menjadi rata dengan tanah, tetapi Masjid Kobe tetap dalam keadaan utuh pada saat itu.

Ketika bangunan di sekitarnya hampir rata dengan tanah, Masjid Muslim Kobe tetap berdiri tegak. Masjid ini hanya mengalami keretakan pada dinding luar dan semua kaca jendelanya pecah. Bagian luar masjid menjadi agak hitam karena asap serangan bom. Tentara Jepang yang berlindung di basement masjid selamat dari ancaman bom, begitu juga dengan senjata-senjata yang disembunyikannya. Masjid ini kemudian menjadi tempat pengungsian korban perang.

Antara 1877 dan Perang Dunia II
Hubungan Islam dengan Jepang ini masih terbilang belia jika dibandingkan hubungan agama ini dengan negara-negara yang lain di seluruh dunia.

Tidak terdapat sebuah hitungan yang nyata tentang hubungan-hubungan antara agama Islam dengan Jepang atau cerita sejarah tentang Islam di Jepang melalui penyebaran agama, kecuali beberapa hubungan tersembunyi antara penduduk-penduduk Jepang dengan orang-orang Muslim dari negara lain sebelum tahun 1868.

Agama Islam diketahui untuk pertama kali oleh penduduk Jepang pada tahun 1877 sebagai sebagian pemikiran agama barat dan pada sekitar tahun itu, kehidupan Nabi Muhammad diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Jepang. Ini membantu agama Islam menempatkan diri dalam pemikiran intelek orang Jepang, tapi hanya sebagai satu pengetahuan dan pemikiran.

Lagi satu hubungan yang penting dibuat pada tahun 1890 ketika Turki Usmaniyah mengirim utusan yang menumpang sebuah kapal yang dinamakan "Ertugrul" ke Jepang untuk tujuan menjalin hubungan diplomatik antara kedua negara serta untuk saling memperkenalkan orang Muslim dan orang Jepang. Kapal itu yang membawa 609 orang penumpang dalam pelayaran pulang ke negara mereka tenggelam dengan 540 penumpang tewas.

Dua orang Jepang Muslim pertama yang diketahui ialah Mitsutaro Takaoka yang memeluk Islam pada tahun 1909 dan mengambil nama Omar Yamaoka setelah menunaikan haji di Mekah, serta Bumpachiro Ariga yang pada masa yang lebih kurang sama telah pergi ke India untuk berdagang dan kemudian memeluk Islam di bawah pengaruh orang-orang Muslim di sana serta mengambil nama Ahmad Ariga.

Bagaimanapun, kajian-kajian ini telah membuktikan bahwa seorang Jepang yang dikenali sebagai Torajiro Yamada mungkin merupakan orang Jepang Muslim yang pertama ketika ia melawat negara Turki disebabkan turut berduka cita dengan korban tewas dalam kecelakaan maut Ertugrul. Beliau mengambil nama Abdul Khalil dan mungkin pergi ke Mekah untuk naik haji.

Bagaimana pun, kehidupan komunitas Muslim yang benar tidak bermula sehingga beratus-ratus pelarian Muslim Turki, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan dan Tatar Turki yang lain dari Asia Tengah dan Rusia, pengaruh Revolusi Bolshevik semasa Perang Dunia I. Orang-orang Muslim ini yang diberikan perlindungan di Jepang menetap di beberapa pelabuhan utama di sekitar Jepang dan mendirikan komunitas-komunitas Islam. Segelintir orang Jepang memeluk Islam melalui hubungan mereka dengan orang-orang Muslim ini.

Dengan pembentukan komunitas-komunitas Muslim ini, beberapa buah masjid telah didirikan. Masjid yang paling penting di antaranya ialah Masjid Kobe yang didirikan pada tahun 1935, dan Masjid Tokyo yang didirikan pada tahun 1938. Bagaimanapun, orang Jepang Muslim tidak mengambil bagian dalam pengelolaan masjid-masjid ini dan tidak terdapat orang Jepang yang menjadi imam, dengan pengecualian Syaikh Ibrahim Sawada, imam pada Ahlulbayt Islamic Centre di Tokyo.

Setelah Perang Dunia II
Saat Perang Dunia II, salah satu "Ledakan Islam" dimulai oleh kelompok militer di Jepang melalui pendirian pusat-pusat studi untuk mengkaji Islam dan Dunia Muslim. Pilot-pilot tempur Jepang yang pergi ke negara-negara Asia Tenggara sebagai tentara semasa Perang Dunia II diajarkan untuk mengucapkan "La ilaha illa Allah" digunakan ketika pesawat-pesawat mereka ditembak jatuh di kawasan-kawasan ini supaya mereka tidak dibunuh.

Sebuah pesawat Jepang telah dikatakan ditembak jatuh dan pilotnya diamankan oleh penduduk setempat. Apabila pilot itu mengucap kata-kata "ajaib" itu, mereka merasa terharu ketika penduduk-penduduk itu berubah sikap terhadapnya, dan memperlakukannya dengan baik. Telah dikatakan bahwa pada waktu itu, lebih dari 100 buah buku dan jurnal mengenai Islam telah diterbitkan di Jepang. Bagaimanapun, pusat-pusat pengkajian ini sama sekali tidak diketuai atau diurus oleh orang-orang Muslim dan tujuannya bukan untuk penyebaran Islam.

Tujuan yang sebenarnya adalah untuk menambah wawasan militer dengan pengetahuan yang diperlukan mengenai Islam dan orang Muslim karena terdapat komunitas-komunitas Muslim yang besar di kawasan-kawasan yang diduduki oleh angkatan militer Jepang di negara RRC dan negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Oleh karena itu, dengan berakhirnya perang pada tahun 1945, pusat-pusat pengkajian ini menghilang sama sekali.

Ada lagi satu "Ledakan Islam", kali ini selepas krisis minyak 1973. Media massa Jepang telah memberi penerbitan yang besar tentang Dunia Muslim, dan khususnya kepada Dunia Arab, akan pentingnya negara-negara ini terhadap ekonomi Jepang. Dengan penerbitan ini, banyak orang Jepang yang tidak mempunyai secuil pengetahuan tentang Islam mempunyai peluang untuk melihat rukun Islam ke-5, Haji di Mekah serta untuk mendengar panggilan Azan (panggilan Islam untuk Shalat) dan pembacaan Al-Quran.

Selain itu banyak orang Jepang yang memeluk Islam secara terang-terangan ketika itu, terdapat juga banyak upacara Islamisasi massal yang terdiri dari berpuluh-puluh ribu orang. Bagaimanapun, selepas krisis minyak selesai, kebanyakan pemeluk Islam Jepang meninggalkan agama itu. Orang-orang Turki merupakan komunitas Muslim yang terbesar di Jepang hingga akhir-akhir ini.

Era Modern
Di masa kini ketika Jepang menjadi salah satu tujuan pendidikan, usaha dan wisata yang populer, banyaknya pekerja, pelajar dan wisatawan muslim turut mempengaruhi perkembangan Islam disana. Minister Sato, Wakil Duta Besar untuk Indonesia menyatakan: "Di Jepang pada tahun seribu sembilan ratus tiga puluhan (1930-an), hanya ada dua masjid, namun saat ini sudah terdapat lebih dari seratus masjid.

Masyarakat Islam yang ada di Jepang, paling banyak orang Indoensia, kemudian orang Pakistan, Bangladesh, dan Iran. Pusat Islam dan Asosiasi Muslim Jepang di Tokyo menjadi pusat studi Islam dan Bahasa Arab bagi warga Jepang, yang banyak menarik perhatian warga muda Jepang. Saya percaya, akumulasi dari berbagai usaha yang kecil seperti ini, dapat memberi andil bagi dunia yang lebih damai."

Bandara-bandara internasional di Jepang berusaha menjadi lebih ramah kepada umat Islam dengan menyediakan fasilitas dan ruang ibadah di tengah kenaikan tajam pengunjung dari dunia Islam menyusul kelonggaran dari pemerintah Jepang tentang peraturan untuk mengeluarkan visa pada Juli 2013.

Kyoto, juga berencana menjadi kota yang ramah terhadap muslim. Pasca pembebasan visa pada Juli 2013, jumlah pengunjung muslim asal Malaysia ke Jepang meningkat dan mendorong pemerintahan di Kyoto mencari cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Kyoto memiliki kelompok studi dibawah Asosiasi Muslim Kyoto. Asosiasi yang berdiri sejak tahun 1987 ini mengusahakan agar muslim dapat mengunjungi masjid dan beribadah di dalamnya, menyediakan ruangan dengan petunjuk arah kiblat, juga memberikan informasi terkait tempat-tempat makan halal yang di Kyoto.

Persatuan Muslim Jepang
Serangan Jepang terhadap China dan negara-negara Asia Tenggara semasa Perang Dunia II menghasilkan hubungan-hubungan antara orang-orang Jepang dengan orang-orang Muslim. Mereka yang memeluk agama Islam melalui hubungan-hubungan itu kemudian mengasaskan Persatuan Jepang Muslim di bawah pimpinan Allahyarham Sadiq Imaizumi pada tahun 1953. Persatuan tersebut ialah organisasi Jepang Muslim yang pertama.

Ketua kedua persatuan ini ialah Allahyarham Umar Mita. Mita merupakan orang Islam yang tipikal bagi generasi tuanya yang mempelajari Islam di wilayah-wilayah yang diduduki oleh Kekaisaran Jepang. Melalui hubungan-hubungannya dengan orang-orang Cina Muslim, beliau memeluk Islam di Beijing. Saat Mita kembali ke Jepang selepas perang, beliau menunaikan haji, dan merupakan orang Jepang pertama sesudah peperangan untuk berbuat demikian. Mita juga membuat terjemah Al-Quran bahasa Jepang untuk pertama kali. Oleh itu, hanya selepas Perang Dunia II baru terdapat sebuah komunitas di Jepang.

Orang Jepang Muslim
Tidak terdapat sensus yang bisa dilihat tentang bilangan orang Jepang Muslim di Jepang. Sebagian orang menyatakan bahwa bilangannya hanya dalam beberapa ratus. Ketika ditanya, Abu Bakr Morimoto manjawab, "Berbicara jujur, hanya seribu. Dalam pengertiannya yang paling umum, jika kita memasukkan mereka yang memeluk Islam tetapi tidak mengamalkan agama ini, umpamanya hanya untuk perkawinan, bilangannya mungkin dalam beberapa ribu.".

Tetapi terdapat juga kelemahan dari segi orang-orang Islam Jepang sendiri juga. Terdapat perbedaan orientasi antara generasi yang tua dengan generasi yang baru. Bagi generasi yang tua, Islam disamakan dengan orang Islam Malaysia, Indonesia, China, dan sebagainya. Tetapi bagi generasi baru, negara-negara Asia Tenggara tidak begitu menarik hati disebabkan orientasi barat mereka dan oleh itu, mereka lebih dipengaruhi oleh Islam di negara-negara Arab.

Ketika melawat negara-negara Muslim, kata-kata bahwa orang-orang Muslim Jepang adalah kumpulan agama minoritas sering menimbulkan masalah daripada para hadirin, "Berapakah jumlah orang Muslim di Jepang?" Jawaban ketika ini: "Satu daripada seratus ribu."

Dakwah di Jepang
Statistik menunjukkan bahwa di sekitar 80% dari jumlah penduduk Jepang adalah penganut Buddha atau Shinto, sedangkan hanya 0,095% atau hanya berjumlah 121.062 orang. Bilangan pendakwah yang berpotensi dalam komunitas Muslim di Jepang adalah amat kecil, dan terdiri dari para pelajar dan berbagai jenis pekerjaan yang bertumpu di kota besar seperti Hiroshima, Kyoto, Nagoya, Osaka dan Tokyo.

Terdapat keperluan yang lanjut untuk orang-orang Muslim bertahan dari tekanan-tekanan dan godaan-godaan gaya hidup modern yang lebih menggoda. Orang-orang Muslim juga menghadapi kesulitan terhadap komunikasi, perumahan, pendidikan anak, makanan halal, serta kesusasteraan Islam, dan semua ini menghalangi kegiatan-kegiatan dakwah di Jepang.

Tanggapan salah terhadap ajaran Islam yang diperkenalkan oleh media-media barat perlu diluruskan dengan cara yang lebih cakap dan yang mengambil kira ciri penting masyarakat Jepang sebagai salah satu negara yang paling tidak buta huruf di dunia. Bagaimanapun, disebabkan persebaran orang Muslim yang amat sedikit, terjemahan Alquran dalam bahasa Jepang juga tidak mudah didapati. Hampir tidak adanya kesusasteraan Islam di dalam toko-toko buku atau perpustakaan-perpustakaan umum, kecuali beberapa esai dan buku dalam bahasa Inggris yang dijual pada harga yang kurang terjangkau.

Oleh itu, tidaklah mengejutkan untuk mendapati bahwa pengetahuan orang awam Jepang tentang agama Islam hanya dihadapkan kepada beberapa istilah yang berkaitan dengan poligami, Sunni dan Syiah, Ramadhan, Haji, Nabi Muhammad, dan Allah. Dengan kesan-kesan yang semakin terang tentang kesadaran kewajiban komunitas-komunitas Islam serta penilaian yang rasional, Umat Muslim telah menunjukkan tanggungan yang lebih kuat terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan dakwah dengan cara yang lebih teratur.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

McLaren 650S

The upcoming McLaren 650S, a high-performance variant of the existing McLaren 12C, has leaked online ahead of the car's Geneva debut next month.

Previously, McLaren had confirmed to Autocar that the 650S would be a production model based on the current 12C. The company said that the car would feature myriad styling tweaks, including the nose design from the P1 - as confirmed in these leaked images.

Instead of the 616bhp offered by the 12C's 3.8-litre twin-turbo V8, the new 650S is thought to feature - as the moniker suggests - a 650ps (641bhp) variant of the same engine.

Other upgrades are reputed to include improved aerodynamics, upgraded suspension, different brakes and adjustments to the car's seven-speed dual-clutch transmission.

McLaren had previously indicated that the new 650S would be tuned specifically to increase its driver engagement, which may be bought about by changes to the steering and transmission.

New options are claimed to include the carbonfibre seats from the P1, which would serve to help cut the new 650S' kerb weight fractionally.

Official pricing has yet to be confirmed, but further leaked documents suggest a price tag that's some £20,000 more than the current £176,000 12C.

McLaren also told Autocar that two version of the 650S would be offered, one with a distinctive carbonfibre styling package.

Isetta Velam 1956

The Isetta is an Italian-designed microcar built under licence in a number of different countries, including Spain, Belgium, France, Brazil, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Because of its egg shape and bubble-like windows, it became known as a bubble car, a name later given to other similar vehicles.

The BMW Isetta was in 1955 the world's first mass-production 3-Litres/100 km car. It was the top-selling single-cylinder car in the world, with 161,728 units sold

The car originated with the Italian firm of Iso SpA. In the early 1950s the company was building refrigerators, motor scooters and small three-wheeled trucks. Iso's owner, Renzo Rivolta, decided he would like to build a small car for mass distribution. By 1952 the engineers Ermenegildo Preti and Pierluigi Raggi had designed a small car that used the motorcycle engine of the Iso Moto 200 and named it Isetta—an Italian diminutive meaning little ISO.

The Isetta caused a sensation when it was introduced to the motoring press in Turin in November 1953, it was unlike anything seen before. Small (only 2.29 m (7.5 ft) long by 1.37 m (4.5 ft) wide) and egg-shaped, with bubble-type windows, the entire front end of the car hinged outwards to allow entry. In the event of a crash, the driver and passenger were to exit through the canvas sunroof. The steering wheel and instrument panel swung out with the single door, as this made access to the single bench seat simpler. The seat provided reasonable comfort for two occupants, and perhaps a small child. Behind the seat was a large parcel shelf with a spare wheel located below. A heater was optional, and ventilation was provided by opening the fabric sunroof.

Power came from a 236 cc (14.4 cu in), 7.1 kW (9.5 hp) split-single two-stroke motorcycle engine. The engine was started by a combination generator-starter known as Dynastart. A manual gearbox provided four forward speeds and reverse. A chain drive connected the gearbox to a solid rear axle with a pair of closely spaced 25 cm (10 in) rear wheels. The first prototypes had one wheel at the rear, but having a single rear wheel made the car prone to roll-overs, so the rear wheel layout was changed to two wheels set 48 cm (19 in) apart from each other. This narrow track eliminated the need for a differential.

The front axle was a modified version of a Dubonnet independent front suspension. The Isetta took over 30 seconds to reach 50 km/h (31 mph) from rest. Top speed was only about 75 km/h (47 mph). The fuel tank held only 13 litres (3.4 US gal; 2.9 imp gal). However, the Isetta would get somewhere between 50 mpg-imp (5.6 l/100 km; 42 mpg-US) and 70 mpg-imp (4.0 l/100 km; 58 mpg-US) depending on how it was driven.

In 1954, Iso entered several Isettas in the legendary Mille Miglia where they took the top three spots in the economy classification. Over a distance of 1,600 km (1,000 mi) the drivers achieved an average speed of over 70 km/h (43 mph). In view of its maximum speed, which was just 15 km/h (9 mph) higher, this was an almost incredible figure. However, despite its initial success, the Isetta was beginning to slip in popularity at home.

This was mainly due to renewed competition from Fiat with its 500C model. Renzo Rivolta wanted to concentrate on his new Iso Rivolta sports car, and was extremely interested in doing licensing deals. Plants in Spain and Belgium were already assembling Isettas and Autocarros using Italian made Iso components. BMW began talking with Rivolta in mid-1954 and bought not just a licence but the complete Isetta body tooling as well. Rivolta did not stop with licensing the Isetta to BMW. He negotiated similar deals with companies in France and Brazil.

After constructing some 1,000 units, production of the Italian built cars ceased in 1955, although Iso continued to build the Isetta in Spain until 1958.

A 1958 Spanish built Iso Autocarro pick-up truck

Manufacturer Iso
Also called Isetta Autocarro
Production 1954 – 1958
Assembly Italy, Spain
Body and chassis
Class 1/2-ton truck
Body style Pick-up
Layout         FMR
Platform         Tubular steel ladder chassis
Related         Iso Isetta
Engine         236 cc split-single two-stroke engine
Transmission 4-speed manual with reverse
Wheelbase 2,150 mm (85 in)
Width         1,400 mm (55 in) (pickup box)
Curb weight 475 kg (1,047 lb) empty
                        500 kg (1,100 lb) load capacity

In addition to the Iso Turismo not described above, Iso also built the Autocarro, a commercial version with full-width rear axle. The Autocarro was offered in several body styles, a flatbed pickup, enclosed truck, a tilt-bed, or even a fire engine, although some of these might not have been sold.

The Autocarro was an extremely popular type of vehicle in Italy, and numerous manufacturers produced some variant of the type. Iso had previously produced a motorcycle-type Isocarro. The Iso Autocarro was larger than most, with its four-wheel layout, conventional rear axle with differential and leaf springs, and a large tubular frame. It was good for a 500 kg (1,100 lb) load. The name Isetta Autocarro was also used. It is thought that more than 4,000 Autocarros were built.


Super Veggies

Vegetables act as anti - oxidants . However , vegetables that have Oxygen Radical Capacity or ORAC Absorbence higher , making the body absorb more antioxidants .

A number of super vegetable that has a high ORAC . In addition to need to be more diligent in taking them , how to enjoy vegetables is also important to note that the properties are not lost .

* Asparagus .
According to the National Cancer Institute in the United States , the asparagus is the plant most contain glutathione which is an anti- oxidant enzyme forming . You can be sure the asparagus potent against cancer cells .

Asparagus is also a low -calorie . Per 150 grams of asparagus there are only 20 calories . Not only that , asparagus is also beneficial for the digestive tract . Within these vegetables are a form of carbohydrate called inulin . The digestive system does not process the inulin , inulin into food so that the good bacteria in the gut . By doing so , the good bacteria multiply rapidly . The impact of the immune system is getting stronger .

Asparagus can be consumed in various ways , steamed , boiled , grilled , and even eaten raw . But make sure the bud is not damaged in this section there are a lot of folic acid which prevents from cardiovascular disorders .

* Spinach .
Spinach contains lutein high . Lutein is an anti - oxidant that gives color or pigment in the macula of the eye. Without lutein , eye can not capture the color of light reflected from the object being viewed .

Research shows , people who often eat spinach will have fewer eye disorders such as macular degeneration and cataracts . Lutein protects the retina of the eye from sun exposure and free radicals that can damage the eye .

In order for the benefits of antioxidants in spinach optimal functioning of the body , you should create or vegetable stir clear . For sauteing spinach , use olive oil .

* Garlic .
Sulfur content in garlic tends to make distinctive pungent aroma . The aroma has a function against the disease . Substance sulfur in garlic can control blood pressure and free radicals in the blood vessels which can cause blood clots . Even the anti - oxidants in the garlic can also dispel various fungi of the body .

The best way to enjoy all the benefits of garlic adaha by baking . Thus , the anti - oxidant properties in garlic also not disappear due to incorrect processing .

* Tomato .
Tomatoes contain a lot of anti - oxidants . No wonder the tomatoes can reduce the risk of many health problems such as eye irritation , lung , colon , breast , prostate up . The antioxidant properties of the most commonly found in tomatoes is lycopene , beta-carotene is the carotenoid family and duty to protect the eyes . In tomato there are also glutathione which helps form the best immune defense system .

Especially for tomatoes , the ideal way to enjoy it is to fry . The benefits of lycopene in tomatoes would be optimal if the vegetables are heated using oil . Why ? Because lycopene is fat soluble so by adding the oil in its processing will facilitate absorption . Even so the selection should be right oil , including olive oil or rice bran in order to stay safe cholesterol levels .

* Carrots .
Carrots are rich in carotenoids that can protect eye cells from free radicals . These vegetables can also protect the throat , lungs , heart , breast , and colon cancer cells .

How to cultivate carrots also determine the quality of anti - oxidants in it . Instead of eating raw carrots , carrots should be boiled before enjoyed . Research shows , boiled carrots have a high content of anti - oxidants than raw . Carrots heating process actually activates a chain of anti - oxidants .

* Leeks .
Chives have many properties with sulfur in it , in addition to flavonoids which are substances in plants green dye .

This strong flavored vegetables are also rich in vitamin C. In 1.8 ounces leeks contained 2.18 mg of vitamin C. According to the National Institutes of Health , United States , the number is in compliance with 3.63 percent of vitamin C a day .

The content of anti - oxidants in green onion not only donated but also of vitamin C and vitamin B complex vitamin A. Regularly consume green onion may protect against vascular disorders and keep blood sugar stable.

How to cultivate leeks , like other allium vegetables contain , is immediately put into masakah five minutes after a small cut . The goal is that all the active ingredients in the leeks are not wasted due to oxidized . Choose solid green leek and white stems .

* Bok choy .
Bok choy is a cabbage group with vitamins A , C , and calcium are very high . In bok choy also found indole and thiol forming an anti- oxidant enzyme . Both bok choy with sulfur in protecting the body from breast cancer , colon cancer , and ovarian cancer . Indole and bok choy thiol in helping the body in the metabolism of estrogen .

So that the benefits are not lost bok choy , bok choy do not cook too ripe because it can destroy the indole and thiol . Simply cook until half cooked with low heat so that the anti - oxidants and vitamins in the bok choy is maintained.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Peugeot RCZ R

The Peugeot RCZ R experience
Peugeot wanted to share a unique experience as part of the launch of the new RCZ R, the most powerful production model ever made by Peugeot.

As part of this launch, we have made a series of 10 videos showcasing the unique character of this new sporty coupé on the social media with the hashtag #PeugeotRCZRExperience. The videos will showcase the design aspects, the elegance and the 5.9-second performance of the RCZ R.The last video is longer and rounds off the campaign.That’s the latest video you can find out here about the R experience.

 The Peugeot RCZ R is the most powerful production model ever made by Peugeot. Boasting a new 270-HP, 1.6-litre engine and only 145g/km of CO2 emissions, this sporty coupé is all about performance, efficiency and a world-class driving experience! The RCZ R does 0-100 km/h in 5.9 seconds.

It is an opportune moment to underline the fact that the RCZ R was developed as a racing car by Peugeot Sport for sports purposes on a track and that it features world-class technical characteristics which make for an incredible drive: a Torsen® limited-slip differential for maintaining a tight path when cornering, a low centre of gravity for better road-holding and incredible grip without affecting its amazing agility.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Peugeot 108 2014

Again PEUGEOT presents its new handsome city car.
Compact, naturally suited to urban journeys, the new PEUGEOT 108 is a chic and classy design.It offers the customer the ability to create their own car: hatchback or convertible, personalisation theme, interior ambience, number of doors, colour.

Every new PEUGEOT 108 asserts its own personality.

A connected car, the new PEUGEOT 108 becomes the mirror of its user’s smartphone, thanks to its large touch screen and the Mirror Screen function, including the new MirrorLink* and AppInCar connectivity protocols. They can be fitted with equipment from the segment above: reversing camera, automatic air conditioning, keyless entry and starting.

Talented and modern, the new PEUGEOT 108 also meets the fundamental requirements for the segment. It plays its part in town thanks to its agility and compact size. With its efficient 3-cylinder engines, it is particularly economical in use.

PEUGEOT 108 hatchback, PEUGEOT 108 TOP! convertible
The brand‘s new city car is available in two body styles: the PEUGEOT 108 hatchback and the PEUGEOT 108 TOP! convertible.

The city with style
The PEUGEOT 108 has been designed to run in urban traffic with style and determination. The front end is immediately reassuring by its robustness.

Common to all trim levels, the technological headlamps combine black and chrome to give the PEUGEOT 108 a sharp look. Their upper parts contain LED lighting guides.

The richness of the exterior is continued on opening a door, with a comfortable cabin that you would not suspect from the compact size of the PEUGEOT 108. It has been designed to be intuitive in use, each area being allocated to a function.

Personalization, everyone can have their own PEUGEOT 108
It offers numerous compositions that can be chosen by the customer. By opting for the PEUGEOT 108 TOP!, the customer has the freedom to choose the roof colour. Black, grey, Red Purple? They can decide to suit their taste, according to the body colour chosen. Among the eight colours available, two are exclusive to the model: Aïkinite, a golden copper, and Red Purple, an unusual violet. Reserved only for the 3-door hatchback, two versions of two-tone paint are available: Red Purple and Gallium Grey or Lipizan White and  Aïkinite.

The customer can go even further and create their PEUGEOT 108 using the seven personalisation themes and three interior amiences. The personalisation themes comprise  exterior stickers, shells for the door mirrors, interior stickers, floor carpets, key fob shlls (mechanical, plip or Keyless Entry and Starting card) while the three interior ambiences determine the colours of the finishers on the dashboard and centre panel.

Finally, the PEUGEOT 108 offers a choice of five trims.

Connecting the new PEUGEOT 108 to the customer’s smartphone
PEUGEOT 108 brings the urban car into a new era with its large touch screen.

An option on Active and standard on Allure, this 7’’ screen (measured diagonally) establishes a new relationship between the car and it driver. It is the interface for the audio system, the trip computer and for vehicle settings. And it goes much further than just these functions!

This is because a smartphone, this eminently personal accessory, can be useful at any time. Now, it can be used inside the car as well. The user can connect in two ways: by Bluetooth®, mainly for the telephone and music player functions of the mobile phone, by Mirror Screen for its applications that are compatible with use in a vehicle.

Thanks to Mirror Screen, the touch screen in the PEUGEOT 108 becomes the mirror of the compatible smartphone connected.

For safety considerations, the access to applications is managed differently according to the state of the vehicle. When the car is moving, the driver can use applications useful when driving, navigation for example, or those for infotainment, like PEUGEOT Music, the brand’s internet radio station, launched on this occasion.

With the new PEUGEOT 108, pleasure every day
At 3.47m long and 1.62m wide, the PEUGEOT 108 is the champion of compact dimensions and makes the difference in town.

When loading the boot, the PEUGEOT 108 reveals one of its many strengths. The Keyless Entry and Starting card allows the doors to be unlocked, the tailgate to be unlocked and partially opened with just a press on the appropriate button.

On opening the tailgate, the shelf automatically folds away against the rear screen and reveals a boot that is generous for the category: 196 litres with the puncture repair kit, 180 litres with the spare wheel.

Inside, the PEUGEOT 108 provides several storage areas.

A comfortable driving position is quickly found using the steering column height and seat adjustments. For starting, the Keyless Entry and Starting card shows its worth again; simply press the button on the centre panel to start the engine. The driver can concentrate on driving thanks to the speed limiter and automatic lighting. Finally, on engaging reverse, the reversing camera displays a colour image in the touch screen of the area behind the vehicle. This system, combined with the PEUGEOT 108’s compact size makes manoeuvres safe and easy.

Passengers are protected in all circumstances by a set of six airbags  fitted as standard: two frontal airbags (the passenger airbag can be switched off), two lateral airbags at the front, and two curtain airbags covering the front and rear seats. Finally, for the safety of children in the car, the two rear seats are equipped with IsoFix mountings.

An engine to suit all uses
 The range is made up of four efficient 3-cylinder power units (Data subject to type approval):

-          1.0 e-VTi68 5-speed manual, 88g/km CO2,

-          1.0 VTi  68 5-speed manual, 95g/km de CO2,

-          1.0 VTi68 5-speed electronic, 97g/km CO2,

-          New Puretech1.2 VTi 82 engine with 5-speed manual gearbox, 99g/km CO2.

They take advantage of the lightness of the PEUGEOT 108, from just 840kg, to provide the occupants with a very good balance between road holding and comfort.

Safe and easy handling on the road
Its light weight, its electric power steering and the quality of its running gear contribute towards this immediate sensation. From the first turn of the wheel, PEUGEOT 108 inspires confidence by its good road holding in all circumstances.

The braking system includes as standard, ABS, Electronic Brake Force Distribution, Emergency Collision Braking System and switchable ESP.

The PEUGEOT 108’s dynamic qualities make its driver smile: responsive steering, stable braking in a straight line and on a bend, electric power steering that is light in town and informative on the open road.

Even when stationary, the PEUGEOT 108 exudes efficiency; all of the engines have Hill Start Assist.

With the new PEUGEOT 108, the customer can be sure they are choosing a car to transform their daily life. With its record compactness and its agility, it tackles the city with confidence. On the open road, with the 196 litre boot loaded, the customer can enjoy its dynamic performance and handling. On board, it is from another class, with equipment that belongs to the segments above: MirrorLink*, reversing camera, Keyless Entry and Starting.

And when they pass another PEUGEOT 108, it’s the occasion for a meeting, an exchange to describe their vehicles’ composition: body, personalisation, interior ambience, colour …

*MirrorLinkTM is a communication protocol developed by the Car Connectivity Consortium, bringing together the main manufacturers of vehicles and electronic products, as well as developers of applications.


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pray For Kelud Mountain

Activity Kelud post-volcanic material erupted lava flow in the bridge area about 3 km from the summit eruption in the village Kelud Sugihwaras, Ngancar, Kediri, East Java, on Sunday ( Feb 16 2014). 

Sand material collected volcanic eruption results in lava flows would endanger people living in the lava flow area due to the rain that continued to fall in the region Kelud. Here a picture of Kelud Mountain. We still hope and pray everyday that disaster from Kelud such as sand, lava and unwanted or undesirable events will be completed on East Java.

Reference :


Kawasaki Ninja 250 RR Mono 2014

Has Come To Indonesia a Rival of CBR250R
Indonesian motor sport Kawasaki has launch Ninja 250 RR Mono to the market. Ultra-light sport compact, Ninja 250 RR Mono appeared slim for mounting a 4-stroke single-cylinder engine to the trellis frame specially designed. Anteversion aggressive riding position that high rpm engine to blow up, and handling, agile. And a Lacey performance of top-level class, Ninja 250SL to create a new fan in riding Quarter class.

DOHC4 valve single-cylinder engine
The 249cm compact equipped with a fuel-injected three -cylinder engine single four-stroke water-cooled DOHC4 valve. Shows the direct reaction smooth in low and medium speed revolution range, and generates a power of class-leading running at a high speed. In addition, reducing the moment of inertia by using a connecting rod and piston weight, were achieved high rotation and high efficiency can be expanded to maximize the area of the intake and exhaust valves by DOHC4 valve further.

Engine characteristic of high rotary
Features of the four-stroke engine is a good point of pickup characteristics and strong low and medium speed revolution range. In addition, a sharp reaction is running at a high speed, is characterized, engine Ninja 250SL has a character peak extending to pleasantly. In addition, to enjoy the joy of the good over-rev characteristics of the power does not fall suddenly, even beyond the top end, open the throttle.

Heat management technology
I adopt the radiator fan cover of Kawasaki own. To minimize the hot air in relief under the engine hot air that has passed through the radiator, to reduce the temperature increase of the portion of the rider and the frame tank or touching, rising edge around the cockpit. Stationary vehicle, regardless of the traveling state to achieve heat excellent effect, which greatly increase the comfort of riding in situations such as summer or congested road.

The Difference between Ninja RR Mono 1 cylinder and Ninja 250R 2 cylinder. Kawasaki is smart to make a new positioning product, 1 cylinder have a single headlamp in other bike 2 cylinder have a double headlamp.


Engine type : Liquid-cooled, 4-stroke 1 Cyl DOHC

Displacement : 249 cc

Bore x stroke : 72.0 x 61.2 mm

Compression ratio: 11.3:1

Valve/Induction system : DOHC, 4 valves

Fuel system : Fuel injection: diameter 38 mm x 1

Ignition :  Keihin, Transistorized Ignition

Electric: Starting

Lubrication : Forced lubrication, wet sump

Maximum power 20.6 kW / 9,700 rpm

Maximum torque 22,6 Nm / 8,200 rpm

Transmission 6-speed, return

Final Drive Sealed chain

Primary reduction ratio 2.800 (84/30)

Gear ratios: 1st 3.000 (393/11)
Gear ratios: 2nd 1.933 (29/15)
Gear ratios: 3rd 1.444 (31/22)
Gear ratios: 4th 1.217 (28/23)
Gear ratios: 5th 1.045 (23/22)
Gear ratios: 6th 0.923 (24/26)
Final reduction ratio 3.000 (42/14)

Clutch : Wet multi-disc, manual

Frame type Tube diamond

Rake/Trail 24 derajat / 90 mm

Wheel travel, front 110 mm

Wheel travel, rear 116 mm

Tyre, front 100/80-17 M/C (52S)

Tyre, rear 130/70-17 M/C (62S)

Steering angle, left / right 36 derajat / 36 derajat

Suspension, front  telescopic fork

Suspension, rear Bottom-Link Uni-Trak swing arm

Brakes, front Single 263 mm petal disc. Caliper: dual-piston.

Brakes, rear Single 193 mm petal disc. Caliper: Dual-piston.

Dimensions (L x W x H) 1.935 mm x 685 mm x 1,075 mm

Wheelbase 1,330 mm
Road Clearance 165 mm
Seat height 780 mm
Fuel capacity 11 litres
Curb Mass 151 kg


Please visit :



Friday, February 14, 2014

Penjualan Kendaraan Low MPV Bulan Januari 2014

Segmen low MPV (LMPV) menjadi segmen yang patut dicermati, dimana pertarungan antar produsen berlangsung menarik di segmen ini. Low MPV masih menjadi ceruk terbesar di pasar roda empat, dengan banyaknya ATPM yang ikut bermain.

Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) masih menjadi penguasa LMPV dengan mobil sejuta umatnya, Avanza. Pada Januari lalu, Avanza terjual sebanyak 16.312 unit. Angka tersebut memang menjadi angka rata-rata penjualan Avanza per bulannya.

Lalu di posisi dua ada Suzuki Ertiga dengan penjualan mencapai angka 5.378 unit. Di posisi tiga ada Daihatsu Xenia yang mendapatkan catatan penjualan sebesar 4.636 unit. Daihatsu dan Suzuki bertarung ketat memperebutkan posisi dua di belakang Avanza.

Pendatang baru Honda Mobilio sudah menembus penjualan sebanyak 1.508 unit. Dan Chevrolet Spin masih stabil di angka penjualan 1.160 unit.

Sisanya Suzuki APV dengan penjualan 984 unit, lalu Nissan Evalia yang terjual 437 unit, serta Daihatsu Luxio terjual sebanyak 203 unit. Low MPV Mazda yang berbagi basis dengan Ertiga, Mazda VX-1 masih melempem dimana hanya terjual 144 unit.

Total penjualan di segmen low MPV ini masih menjadi penyumbang terbesar dari semua segmen kendaraan. Pembeli LMPV mencapai angka 30.762 unit di awal Januari lalu, dari total penjualan semua jenis kendaraan di angka 103.494 unit.





Toyota Avanza



Suzuki Ertiga



Daihatsu Xenia



Honda Mobilio



Chevrolet Spin



Suzuki APV



Nissan Evalia



Daihatsu Luxio



Mazda VX-1




Reference :
